[meteorite-list] Re: Oman Meteorite Hunters

Notkin geoking at notkin.net
Wed Apr 13 19:50:02 EDT 2005

Dear Listees:

I would like to second John Gwilliam's advice, posted this morning, 
regarding Oman. We have it on the strongest authority that anyone 
considering a trip to Oman for the purposes of meteorite hunting -- now 
or in the near future -- should cancel their plans immediately.

This is not an April Fool's or an attempt to mislead anyone or withhold 
information. There is a serious situation going on in Oman at the 
moment, and for reasons that we can't go into just now, John and I ask 
you all to PLEASE KEEP THIS TOPIC OFF-LIST for the present. There are 
some things more important than curiosity.

As soon as possible, John will post additional information and, once 
that has happened, I think you will all agree that we've been trying to 
do the right thing.

We hope this matter will be resolved very shortly, and in the meantime 
we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


Geoff N.

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