[meteorite-list] Boycott??

Martin Altmann Altmann at Meteorite-Martin.de
Mon Apr 11 05:46:37 EDT 2005

What a strange and boring thread:
The reasons for excluding a member from IMCA can be read on the startpage of
the homepage.
There are only three:
"If members wish to sell or trade meteoritic specimens, those items must be
'actually and exactly what is claimed.' "
Vulgo: 1.dealing with fakes or 2.mislabelling.
and infinging upon 3. "...honest business practices".

That IMCA is so discrete not to make public the misbehaviour of a person in
particularities and especially not to non-members and to respect the privacy
is o.k.
If the excluded one feels unfairly treated, he/she can give out a statement
on the IMCA list or here, to bring up the details.
But to decapitate the bearer of the bad news or the scream for the pillory
is a mediaeval attitude.
And finally, nobody is forced to join that IMCA.

Now I gonna to type more ancient Cohen-prices. Ooops, I forgot to mention
the most simple but important thing (thanks Andrzej):
The prices are per gram.


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