[meteorite-list] Emil Cohen's Market Trends of 1899 - Old prices in today's $ - Part I.

Martin Altmann Altmann at Meteorite-Martin.de
Sun Apr 10 13:19:48 EDT 2005

Dear list,

last year I acquired following article:

E.Cohen: Ueber den Wuelfing'schen Tauschwerth der Meteoriten im Vergleich
mit den Handelspreisen.,
published in:  Mitth. aus dem naturwiss. Ver. für Neu-Vorpommern u. Rügen,
XXXI. pp 50-66, Greifswald 1899.

(Wuelfing's trade value of meteorites in comparision with the market

Emil Cohen (1842-1905) was a mineralogist, geologist and an eminent
meteorite researcher of his times, from 1885 on professor at the university
in Greifswald. He started to write a monumental comprehensive work about
meteorites, his "Meteoritenkunde", but died before the third volume was
In 1889 E.Weinschenck honoured him in naming that silvery iron carbide found
in iron
meteorites "Cohenite".

This article was a reply to Wuelfing's suggested formula for the
determination of a trade value of a meteorite specimen, depending on total
weight of the class and total known weight of that find or fall, which was
published two years ago in 1897.
Cohen examines there, whether Wülfing's values are reflecting actually the
prices asked on the market.
Furthermore he makes some remarks about the behaviour of dealers and
collectors and wonders about the sometimes strange affectations of the
collectors (private meteorite collecting wasn't invented by Nininger).
(His observations seem not directly unfamiliar to me...)

For the comparison Cohen publishes a list of prices for more than 300
meteorites, which he collected during several years until 1899!
It contains the average price per gram, the lowest and the highest price.

Now with this old price lists we have the problem, that we don't know, what
would be the old currencies in what the prices are given be worth today? How
to find out the purchasing power of the old currency to have an equivalent
or how to convert in this case the Mark of 1899 into US-$ of 2005?
Long term indices for the purchasing power I couldn't find. Old single
prices, wages, salaries aren't helpful, as for instance manpower was cheap
at that times, foods expensive - today in the first world it's otherway
Thus here my approach:
Cohen's prices are given in Pfennige of Mark (german Goldmark). The Mark was
a gold-backed currency, consequently I calculated my adaptation via the gold
price. I had the fine gold contents of the Mark, keeping in mind, that the
gold price at that time was subject of manipulation by the national
governments, I chose the New Yorker fixing of that year and in virtue of
today's goldprice's, I converted the Goldmark in today's US-$. (In fact I
did it last year, when the ounce was at 400$).
I got out:  1Mark = 4.61$
(of course the purchase power of gold was see-sawing through time too, but
do you have a better suggestion?)

Or in other words, the following price list is that, what you have
effectively to pay, if you'll run tomorrow to your bank, buy gold, jump in
the time machine, travel 106 years back and purchase meteorites.

In the following list, I use the meteorite names according to the Catalogue
of Meteorites, I added the type, an asterisk indicates an observed fall.
Given is the average price, in brackets lowest and highest price.
Meteorites marked as "pseudo" were at Cohen's times already known as
Some finds of the same meteorite (most already known and listed by Cohen to
be paired) were sold seperately at different price levels.
A "(?)" is found in thuse few cases, where I wasn't able to identify the

And here we go!

Agen* H5                        16.34$  (14,29-18.44)
Alais* CI1                       66,85$  (41.49-92.90)
Aleppo* L6                            6.92$
Alfianello* L6                   3.00$   (0.92-4.61)
Ambapur Nagla* H5       19.59$  (13.83-25.36)
Angra dos Reis* ANGR      110.64$
Arlington IIE                   17.52$  (16.14-19.36)
Assisi* H5                           18.44$
Augustinovka IIIA                 8.07$
Ausson* L5                    21.21$   (6.92-34.58)
Avilez (*) H                         83.90$

Babb's Mill IrUNGR              12.91$
Bachmut* L6                       18.44$
Ballinoo IIC                    2.77$   (1.75-3.92)
Barbotan* H5                20.75$  (11.76-27.66)
Bath* H5                        6.45$   (3.00-9.22)
Beaver Creek* H4          9.22$   (3.92-12.68)
Bella Roca IIIAB            4.38$   (3.69-4.84)
Benares* LL4                      55.32$
Bendegó IC                    4.15$   (2.31-5.99)
Bishopville* AUB          43.33$  (27.66-65.92)
Bitburg IAB                   44.26$  (42.64-46.10)
Black Mountain IAB            19.50$
Bluff(a) L5                      2.77$   (1.84-3.46)
Bohumilitz IAB                     4.61$
Bori* L6                        20.05$   (11.53-23.05)
Borkut* L5                         23.05$
Brahin PAL                   26.28$   (12.68-35.27)
Braunau* IIAB              16.14$   (9.22-23.05)
Bremervörde* H3.7      17.52$   (4.61-27.66)
Brenham PAL                3.69$   (1.38-7.61)
Bridgewater IID             7.15$   (5.07-11.06)
Burlington IIIE                     7.84$
Buschhof* L6                46.10$   (15.67-77.22)
Butler IrUNGR                  6.92$   (3.00-11.53)

Cabezo de Mayo* L6   47.02$   (17.92-76.53)
Cambria IrUNGR           7.38$   (4.61-10.14)
Campo del Cielo           17.98$   (4.61-31.35)
Cangas de Onis* H5     18.90$   (12.91-25.82)
Canyon Diablo IAB        1.84$   (0.46-4.61)
Cape of Good Hope IVB  11.53$
Carlton IIICD                4.38$   (2.03-7.38)
Carthage IIIB                4.15$   (2.31-5.99)
Cereseto* H5               21.44$  (15.67-27.66)
Chantonnay* L6           10.37$  (4.61-15.67)
Charsonville* H6               20.98$
Chateau-Renard* L6    11.29$   (6.92-16.60)
Chesterville IIAB           6.45$   (4.84-8.30)
Chulafinnee IIIAB         10.14$   (9.22-10.83)
Chupaderos IIIAB              7.61$
Coahuila IIAB
  - Butcher Iron              2.31$   (0.46-3.69)
  - Saltillo                           9.22$
Cold Bokkeveld* CM2  41.49$   (36.88-46.10)
Colfax IAB                        9.68$
Collescipoli* H5           13.83$   (7.38-23.05)
Copiapo IAB                    9.22$
Cosby's Creek IAB
   - Cocke Co.               4.61$   (2.54-7.84)
   - Sevier Co.               5.53$   (3.46-9.68)
Cowra IrUNGR           38.72$  (25.82-51.63)
Crab Orchard MES       2.31$  (1.57-3.04)
Cranbourne IIICD
  - Beaconsfield             3.32$   (2.21-4.84)
  - Melbourne                4.15$  (3.92-4.61)

...to be continued, if you think, that it's interesting enough ...


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