[meteorite-list] E-bay frustrates me

Graham Christensen voltage at telus.net
Sun Apr 10 05:54:11 EDT 2005

I will be the high bidder on a meteorite for almost a week and no one else 
bids. I go to work thinking "Yay, only 2 more hours and I will have won that 
meteorite!!" and then in the last hour of the auction (usually while I'm at 
work and away from my computer) someone outbids me!!!

And of course I don't have the money to bid high. It's just so frustrating 
to think you're going to win something and get your hopes up and then have 
it taken away from you!!

Sorry, I just had to vent

Graham Christensen
voltage at telus.net
msn messenger: majorvoltage at hotmail.com 

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