[meteorite-list] Postings That Never Appear, Or Do They?

Sterling K. Webb kelly at bhil.com
Tue Apr 5 02:37:15 EDT 2005


    The last time I had trouble getting a message to post to the List, I
was able to figure out my error involved the length of the posts and as
soon as I trimmed them down -- they went through fine, although The Nine
Greater Rules (included below for the heterodox who may have forgotten
them) do not mention length.

    I have tried to post a very short (less than 250 words) message in
plain text format to the List four times today, from early morning to
late night without its having achieved distribution.  It was not a reply
to a previous message so there was no other content but plain text.  It
was scanned by virus checkers, no less than three of them, on its way to
the List and it was clean as a sun-bleached bone.

    I've been to MeteoriteCentral.com and read The Nine Greater Rules,

1. Posts need to relate -in some way- to meteorites    CHECK
2. Be courteous and professional at all times    CHECK
3. Do not post -private messages- or -personal attacks- to the list
4. Please include the 'subject' of the post in the subject box    CHECK
5. Send emails in text format, not -HTML-    CHECK
6. Do not send emails with -file attachments- to the list - include a
file link    CHECK
7. Make sure you can back up statements with -facts and references-
8. Do not post -major advertisement- emails to the list - include a
'sale' link    N.A.
9. If you are posting a URL for a sale, include 'SALE' in the subject
box    N.A.

    My message did contain "live" links to other sites, but that is

    It's been my experience that a message that is going to go through
will do so and be returned to me as a List member with a very few
minutes 99.9% of the time.

    I'm at a loss as to why such a simple message should not go
through.  Or is it a mystery to be accepted as such?


Sterling K. Webb
    PS.  The Plot Thickens.
    I just got a an email from Anne Black (Impactika) who says she got
all four messages.
    Now I have to write an apology to the List for bombarding them with
the same message over and over again.  Why would some members receive a
message and others not?  Why would the sender not?  Or is it a mystery
to be accepted as such?
    List, consider this your official apology for "message bombardment"!

    If, on the other hand, you never got a message about meteor trail
photos and you want one, let me know and I'll send it to you directly!

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