AW: [meteorite-list] Sale - Howardite Blow Out

Norbert Classen trifid at
Thu Sep 23 19:29:38 EDT 2004

Hi Rob, and All,

Wow, you really know what's going on. Most of the Dhofar, SaU, DaG,
and HaH finds are documented, i.e., we have the exact find locations
and find circumstances on record, published in the Meteoritical
Bulletin, and these data can be accessed by anyone who has the desire
to do so. This is also true for a few selected NWA meteorites, but
most of these lack proper documentation for obvious reasons. And a
lack of proper documentation, i.e. exact find locations makes it
really hard to say which meteorites may be paired or not. Dou you
see the difference?

Hey, and there are no other "demands" on the meteorites from Oman,
Libya, or other desert areas compared to the demands on NWAs - their
pairing is mostly established by scientists, at least for the rare
classes. Several of the meteorite hunters that go to Oman, or Libya
are scientists, or even seasoned meteoriticists, and they are doing
an excellent job in the field, and in the lab. Please don't disregard
this by simple, and misleading statements. Thanks.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Dhofar 010, 020, 007......
> Not necessarily better documentation, just exemption from the pairing
> demands on NWA.
> Rob Wesel
> ------------------
> We are the music makers...
> and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
> Willy Wonka, 1971

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