[meteorite-list] Fw: Enough is Enough - Plain & Simple!

Michel Franco michel at caillou-noir.com
Tue Sep 14 04:31:03 EDT 2004

G'morning Jeff,

you are right, but

> If a seller/collector thinks that another stone has come from the
> same spot and is paired,

but the real problem is that you must not only THINK  that they come from
the same spot but be SURE of it ! the only way is to be on the field, not in
dealer shops.
And as you said, even in this case, as for the Dho lunars, it is not always
100 % sure that same class meteorite come from same fall. The only way to be
sure of pairing is geometrical fitting, otherwise long and deep analyses may
say. ( For breccias it is very difficult, for highly shocked like Impact
Melt too, )

My 2 cents.

Best regards,

Caillou Noir www.caillou-noir.com
BP 16, 100 Chemin des Campènes
74400 Les Praz de Chamonix FRANCE

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