[meteorite-list] Re: September 11, 2001 [OT]

Notkin geoking at notkin.net
Sat Sep 11 15:30:54 EDT 2004

Bernd posted:

>  So, folks, before you get back to your daily chores and petty quarrels
>  here on this List or elsewhere, take a moment's time and remember!

Dear Bernd, Fellow List Members and Friends:

Thank you for your post, Bernd, which was thoughtful and moving as usual.

Those of you who were subscribers to the Meteorite List in 2001 will 
perhaps recall that I was unpleasantly close to Ground Zero three 
years ago today, and had the misfortune of witnessing the Towers' 
collapse in person, from the west bank of the Hudson River. I 
remember several of our friends and colleagues posting to the List 
asking if Darryl Pitt, Geoff Cintron, and myself were okay. Thank you 
for that.

Macovich Collection curator Darryl Pitt and I both worked 
(separately) with volunteers during the days that followed. Darryl 
put in many nights working at Ground Zero, in some cases with an 
armed escort. I took over 1,200 photos -- mostly of the rescue effort 
-- many of which are on my website. My photo gallery received over 
35,000 visits in the weeks that followed September 11. I find it 
difficult to look at the pictures now, but perhaps they will be of 
interest to some.


My photos have been widely published since, and have also appeared in 
three documentary films about September 11. I gave my photos free of 
charge to fellow artists and publishers who wished to use them, but I 
did bill "Reader's Digest" a substantial fee, as they could afford it 
: )

When I moved permanently to Tucson earlier this year my little calico 
cat, Bonnie, drove the 2,900 miles with me. She is a very special 
cat, as she is a World Trade Center orphan. I adopted her shortly 
after the attack in which her original owner died. She has adjusted 
well and is a constant companion, so something positive did come out 
that day for me.

Finally, here are two photos of the blue light memorial from 
September, 2002. These images have never been published, and have not 
been shown on my website until today:


On this day, especially, Americans should remember the friendship and 
support we have received from our friends overseas. As a nation, we 
cannot go it alone.

I continue to believe that forums such as the Meteorite List are an 
important asset to international understanding and friendship and 
can, perhaps, even repair some of the damage caused by aggressive 


Geoffrey Notkin
Tucson, Arizona

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