[meteorite-list] Letter from Jeff Grossman concerning NWA 111 0 andpairings

Matson, Robert ROBERT.D.MATSON at saic.com
Thu Sep 9 16:03:29 EDT 2004

Hi Mark,

Amusing that you should write:

"And being a realistic person, I can accept that the next time the new "CK4"
(example) comes out, and four dealers are selling it (half under different
numbers) and I get offered some from Morocco, it's most likely the same

You'll have to wait for MB 89 to discovery the clairvoyance of your
example...  ;-)

> There are other problems with Meteoritical Society naming procedures.  For
> example, I have multiple stones from Arizona and Nevada that are
> and have cordinates......but will not get official names. No biggie,
> I'm not selling them.

If they are classified and have coordinates, it sounds like there could only
be one thing stopping them from having official names:  a proper type
submission.  That's not a Meteoritical Society or NomCom problem -- it's a
finder problem.  --Rob

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