[meteorite-list] Ain't it an a* s * s* h * a * m * e ? ? ?

E. L. Jones jonee at epix.net
Tue Sep 7 02:20:08 EDT 2004

Dear Cj  it is the first of September and time for the quarterly  
quarrels, rants, resignations, and rejoining ritual. or Q2R3R(Cue 
Squared aRe cubed aRe) event in NASA parlance.  Don't worry about it, 
what goes around comes around, literally.  It is especially bad this 
time owing to the need for political expression madness.  Everyone gets 
the idea that they have the only say on political punditism and feels 
compelled like a lemming to walk the gauntlet of political bashing and 
self flagilation they know their baited comment is going to elicit.  
Also hunting season is around the corner and many posters get early 
practice by shooting themselves in the foot.  Frankly they are holding 
the barrel towards the wrong appendage  but that is another quarrel I 
have and I'll save it that for the winter  Q2R3R.

 IN fact I may leave the list just to see if I can remember how.  I need 
the Venician protocol in place before.  What is the Venician protocol?  
I need to invent 6 other names and have them on the list before I rant 
off in resignation.  All is go ruin now with these grievous surrogate 
political breast beatings.  I think  the 527 Group theskyisfalling.org 
is behind everything. Unsubscribe!!!  yeah  thats the ticket... I am 
going up to my wife now...my wife....er...um  MOOOREgan Fairchild...yeah 
thats right


 Bummer about that stuck "*" key

Peanut .. wrote:

> Hello All and whoever wants to leave,
> I just wanted to say that the real shame here is that "somebody" here 
> is letting this get to them. This is going to happen in ANY forum or 
> mailing list. this person shouldn't punish or deny themselves the 
> other information and conversation that is put out on this list.

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