AW: [meteorite-list] Re: More Unsubstantiated Allegations

DNAndrews DNA1 at
Mon Sep 6 04:23:03 EDT 2004

Bernhard Rems wrote:

>I never saw that Michael made accusations against Mauro Daniel. I can
>remember that he accused a certain Matteo - but this Matteo was banned
>from the list, if I remember correctly (or he said he would leave
>forever, don't quite remember), so I really don't understand what Mr.
>Daniel says here, especially as he always insisted on NOT being Matteo).
>This is a strange day today. Must be something in the air...
Hi Bernhard,
Yes, a strange day indeed.  It's not a full moon either is it?  Just 
like Mr. Brody saying he's not the infamous Joel Warren who was banned 
of the past.  He admitted he always stuck up for Mike Farmer (just like 
Joel), but "through the list archives only".  "I only signed up to stick 
up for my bro George Dubya."  Yeah right.  Guess everyone just gets 
addicted to this list and will do anything to get back on and stir some know what.

Now we have some Argentinian-Karaoke-list-terrorist running amuk.  I 
sure hope he gets his unsubscribe request approved soon.

Best for a non-political, non-hate email weekend,

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