[meteorite-list] Bush chart to see how he is doing

Marc D. Fries m.fries at gl.ciw.edu
Sat Sep 4 15:11:42 EDT 2004

   Well okay, if we're going to talk politics and totally screw up what
used to be about meteorites...

   Clinton didn't do crap.  The numbers you see on this graph are
boom-and-bust numbers that track with the dot-com boom.  The biggest
indicator of this is the "jobs created" graph.  The dot com boom
Before Clinton, there were six or seven major aerospace firms in this
country.  Today there are two.  There are also only two shipbuilding
firms left.  The same can be said for steel works - I live not too far
from the defunct Bethlehem Steel.  "Jobs created" is fantasy, and
always has been - no matter who is president.  The unemployment figures
you show directly track the rise and fall of the dot com boom, which
went totally uncontrolled (and rightly so) by the federal government.

   Here's something that isn't fantasy - Bill Clinton ignored Al Qaeda and
terrorism in general.  Clinton did NOTHING* while we were hit again and
again and again - I was in the military at the time, and we were left
chomping at the bit while Bill unwisely cut our ground strength by
about 40%.  Now we NEED that strength and it isn't there.  Al Qaeda was
allowed to grow strong enough to carry out September 11th at a time
when we could have "nipped them in the bud" with a little foresight and
some sort of resolve.

   Clinton allowed us to be hit time and time again.  We have not been hit
since Sept. 11th.  It's that simple.  Sprout a sense of what is

   Oh, and by the way - we are in the midst of what is arguably the
strongest wartime economy EVER.


*When finally pushed so far that he COULDN'T hide in the Waffle House,
Clinton sent cruise missles in after Al Qaeda after the bombing of
American embassies in Africa - the absolute worst action he could have
taken.  We spent $100+ million to blow up some chow halls and jungle gyms,
while sending the message that we didn't think stopping terrorism was
important enough to risk American lives.  The only thing he didn't do was
call up afterwards to see how else we could be of service.

> http://www.academycomputerservice.com/economics/charts.htm
> Read this and then tell me if Curious George has helped the country or
> it's
> people.
> Perhaps this is why the meteorite business is slow for the last two years.
> Mike Farmer
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Marc D. Fries, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW
Washington, DC 20015
PH:  202 478 7970
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