[meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Computer Theft wasThe Animal

E. L. Jones jonee at epix.net
Wed Jul 14 21:05:25 EDT 2004

As I understand it, under both US and EU statutes, it is the crime of 
"theft of computer services" to  access a digital network, system, 
instant messaging service, newsgroup, etc. when one is not authorized to 
do so.  Repeatedly changing names and rejoining under false identity 
when one has been removed from access by the rightful owner is theft of 
computer services.  The thief  doesn't have to steal anything, the mere 
access when not authorized is the crime.

To assume a false identity to gain services one is not otherwise 
entitled,  via a computer, can also be wire fraud.

Subscribing to an email account for the purpose of committing a crime is 
against MSN's terms of service ( Yahoo's , AOL, etc for that matter).

I just thought I'd throw greatly out this to be consideration by all, 
even though I don't think the gravity of the actions come to  
appreciated by the personage who keeps coming back to go ruin.

Would the attorneys on the list care comment?


PS: the Meteorite central list fits the newsgroup catagory, I 
assume.<--Meteorite related
Matteo Righetti wrote:

> what Farmer write to me in private, seen he not have problems to put 
> my private emails in pubblic

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