[DogParkList] Prefs Window Alarms

Don Agro dagro at dogparksoftware.com
Sat Sep 26 11:39:48 EDT 2009

Hi David,

On 2009-09-26, at 10:32 AM, David Kaplan wrote:

> In the Alarm panel there is an option to check and fill in a

> specific call. I'm using Speech, and if I put in a specific call,

> nothing happens, unless I fill in the call and hit enter.

Yes, you have to press return or tab out of the field.

> Then I get two alarms: 1) FT5GA is not confirmed in the log 2) FT5GA

> has been spotted.


> I don't understand #2, because when FT5GA is listed in a DXCluster

> no alarm goes off.


> Is #2 meant to be an alarm for the cluster, or do I not understand

> it properly?


Just tried it here with FT5GA and it works as expected.

If you have specific call checked and you have speech selected you get
a speech alarm when there is an Auto Lookup in the cluster (Do you
have Auto Lookup" enabled ?)

All of the alarms require Auto Lookup to be enabled (or a manual
lookup) since most of them require a look at your log and a lookup of
the call to determine if the criteria match.

If you have other alarms enabled you will get multiple speech alarms
if they apply.

73 de VE3VRW Don Agro

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