[DogParkList] Change Freq

LB3SA LB3SA at norlogic.no
Sun Aug 9 04:53:42 EDT 2009

Hi Don,

I bought the MDS RC-1 ( http://www.mds-ham.com/) controller to replace my
large Yaesu controller for a Yaesu G-1000DXC rotor. The controller works
just fine.

But when using it when MLDX it does not work properly. The communications is
fine and I can see the heading command successfully sent to the RC-1 but the
rotor does not turn.

Note: I am using the DCU1 setting in MLDX since this controller emulates
this protocol for all rotor types.

What MDS is saying about this:
" NOTE: Some programs do not use the full DCU1 protocol. There are some
programs which expect the rotor to turn by ONLY sending the AP1xxx command.
The RC1 needs both the AP1 and the AM1 commands to begin movement. "

Could it be that MLDX does not send the AM1 commands? I guess the Pathfinder
does not require it.

Vy 73,
Are - LB3SA

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