[DogParkList] Remote operation with MLDX?

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Sun Dec 23 15:13:36 EST 2007

Hi from Europe (Seasons greetings),

I was just wondering while visiting inlaws during this festive season
whether anyone here has used MLDX (perhaps with Skype) to do remote
operation of their shack ? I haven't yet updated to Leopard but has
anyone used the remote control of Mac through the facilities in there
(e.g. via iChat or Back to my mac & dot mac) to do it? Not long had
legal remote operation in the UK licence but I guess others have
elsewhere and are further ahead on this.

Alternatively, although I know Don probably doesn't need any more ideas
for MLDX development but hypothetically would there be any wider
interest here in MLDX additional features to support remote operation
more specifically either within it or perhaps an add-on (extra remote
client to purchase for instance) or a secure web browser interface back
to the main client app? Or anyone have other ideas for solutions?

Just a thought during the holiday season.
And a public thanks for all the support and great apps (MLDX &
MacDoppler) to Don.

Jonathan G0DVJ

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