[DogParkList] Maximal volume/SQL from time to time

Fokko pa0dtl at cds.nl
Sat Apr 21 10:16:18 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I hope someone can help me to solve a very irritating problem with my
setup using a MacLoggerDX and a TS570D.

From time to time my radio goes to 100% volume, completely at random.

I tried everything, like reducing serial speed, delay etc, but it
does not go away. It looks like MacLoggerDX is sending the volume and
SQL settings all the time, even when I change nothing on my screen. I
noticed that a simple receive error set the volume and SQL to 100% on
the screen, and as it sends these settings continuously to the
TS-570, the radio goes also to 100% (is this not an infamous endless

I have seen that other programs are only sending to the radio when
the operator changes something on the screen, but not what it
receives via the serial connection.

Anyway this is very irritating in the middle of the night, I hope
there is a solution/bugfix?

regards, pa0dtl, NL

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